Automated Buyback and Burn Function
With the instability in price dynamics and the enigma of numerous sorts of tokens circulating on the market, project Bitsniper have begun to employ two techniques to limit emissions and drive the AMMO price.
The two most prevalent tools Team Bitsniper found are buybacks and token-burns. While both approaches essentially accomplish the same goal, their mechanisms and end goals in terms of pricing effect are distinct. So, what are AMMO buybacks and token burns?
The price volatility in digital markets is typically higher than in traditional markets, particularly in the current environment. Investors have less trust in digital assets because DeFi and cryptocurrencies are still unexplored.
As a result, Bitsniper has developed a clear, functional, rational and profitable value proposition that will work effectively within the ecosystem to attract investors and demonstrate demonstrable benefits.
During the quarterly buyback process, the repurchased tokens are held in the owner wallets rather than being destroyed or instantly released back into circulation.
Bitsniper burned 25% of AMMO tokens from circulation permanently by sending them to a zero address, thereby erasing them from existence. To adjust demand and supply dynamics and effect price, tokens are repurchased from the community.
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